About BoB

BoB - Best of Biotech is an international life science business plan competition.​​​​

aws BoB - Best of Biotech is organized by Life Science Austria (LISA, a program run by the Austria Wirtschaftsservice on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy.​​​​


What are BoB's goals?​​​​

  • Motivating scientists and other creative individuals in the life sciences to become entrepreneurs
  • To translate life science innovations into professional business plans and presentations through comprehensive and individualized coaching for its participants
  • High visibility of the winners in the life science community and networking opportunities for all
  • Encouraging commercial exploitation of applications-oriented scientific research and innovation
  • Continued promotion of Austria and Central Europe as a life science business incubator


Who is organizing BoB?​​​​

  • Life Science Austria (LISA), a key program run by the Austria Wirtschaftsservice, is BoB's main organizer.
  • Other partners, both Austrian and international, provide local support and are involved in the organization of workshops.
  • A distinguished international jury evaluates the business plans.
  • The lead organizer and private sponsors provide financing for BoB.

